A beer in a wine bar?

So I went out for a drink with ‘Die Frau’ and we decided to go to a newly opened wine bar. She had told me they have a few good beers.  So…….

What's a beer like you doing in a wine bar?

It was a pleasant warm evening, a really summery feel, well it is July after all and the height of summer.  The newly opened wine bar is named Quo Vardis Wine & Tea. The bar was always there, now just under new management and ownership with a new name with a really friendly and nice owner who also happens to be a wine sommelier. The big plus for me was that they have a few beers.  At last, a bar with a choice of beers.

The first choice was from this brand, Simco 3 from www.riegele.de.  Now usually I’m not a fan of German beers because lets face it, they’re mostly fizzy lagers that conjure the image of a large German beer hall, bland beer and an Oompah Band. Here though, we have a beer that is not that bad. An India Pale Ale, which has a good body and smooth taste. It’s always enjoyable when you get a small bite to eat whilst sampling the beer.  It encourages the next beer to follow easily.

A couple of beers later and the wine bar is definitely a place to visit.  It probably looks strange to some that one would visit a wine bar to drink a beer, but when the beer is a half decent brew and you prefer a beer to wine, then who cares.  I like this place and the fact I have a decent choice of beers to choose from.  The same obviously applies to the wine selection, outstanding local and Italian wines are available and I will on occasion take that as a preferred choice.

The Anglo South Tyrolean

Actually not bad!

So that’s at least another bar that now offers me a chance to have a decent beer when I’m out with friends who prefer a glass of wine.  They even have a beer in a can.  A New England IPA and an American Pale Ale from Finix Brewing Co, www.finixbrewing.com.   A local craft beer brewing company based here in Pustertal, South Tyrol.  I will definitely be paying their brewery and restaurant a visit in the near future.

So if you are in the Lana area and want to try a decent beer or an elegant glass of wine, give Quo Vadis Wine & Tea a try.